Register with the Iwi

Who can register?

To register you must be a descendant of a Ngāti Pāoa tupuna, being:

  • Pāoa, or a recognised tupuna of a Ngāti Pāoa hapū; and

  • who exercised customary rights predominantly in the Ngāti Paoa area of interest.

A person is descended from another person if by birth, or by whāngai according to Ngāti Pāoa tikanga.

Adults over the age of 18 years can register themselves. Children under 18 years can be registered by their parents.

Why should you register?

  • Keep up to date with important issues, events and decisions affecting Ngāti Pāoa

  • Be able to vote in Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust elections (for those over the age of 18)

  • Help build a comprehensive database of Ngāti Pāoa descendants

  • Obtain benefits entitled to members of Ngāti Pāoa

  • Help strengthen Ngāti Pāoa as a community

How to register:

  • Check and regularly update your own details

  • Easily add your own tamariki

  • You can also use your profile to connect to other Iwi who use the Māori Me system.

Register Online via the Māori Me portal

Register via Iwi Registration Form

Download and complete the registration form and submit it via:

  • Email: ​

  • Post: Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust, PO Box 14028, Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand

  • In Person: 15 Queens Rd, Panmure.
    Registration Office Hours - Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm

Ngā Pōito o te Kupenga:Iwi Business Database

Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust and the Ngāti Tamaterā Treaty Settlement Trust have teamed up to create opportunities for businesses in our communities. At the heart of this collaboration is the utilisation of the Iwi Investment Grant to establish Ngā Pōito o te Kupenga, an iwi business database.

The primary goal is to enhance access to business opportunities for Ngāti Tamaterā and Ngāti Pāoa businesses, particularly in the government procurement sector. By pooling resources and knowledge, these businesses can better identify and seize contracts offered by government agencies, such as Auckland Council and its Council Controlled Organisations.

Phase one of this collaboration will focus on creating and growing this database, and phase two will see businesses gain access to valuable training through workshops and networking events. Creating opportunities to hone skills, build connections with other like-minded entrepreneurs, and even find mentors to guide them on their journey.

If you are a business owner and are interested in joining this venture then follow the button below to register your business.