
  • (Chairperson)
    BA, PGDipMgtSt, MBA (Waikato).

    Ko Kerepēhi, Makomako, Wharekawa, Piritahi ngā marae. Ko Ngāti Horowhenua, Ngāti Tipa, Ngāi Te Umu, Ngāti Kapu, Ngāti Hura ngā hapū. Ko Hapu-a-kohe, Kohukohunui, Maunganui ngā maunga, ko Piako me Whakatiwai ngā awa e rere atu ki Tīkapakapa moana, ko Hauraki te whenua.

    Herearoha holds a senior leadership role at the University of Waikato, is Director of Te Ara Tupu Ltd (business), serves as Trustee for Ngāti Tamaterā Treaty Settlement Trust (iwi), Tainui Waka Cultural Trust (community), GH Tawhai Trust (whānau), and sits on several governance boards representing iwi as a Treaty partner. She has extensive networks with community organisations, business sector, and government agencies throughout Aotearoa, and Indigenous communities internationally.

    She specialises in strategy, business development, leadership transformation, governance, finance, transformative praxis, policy, and te reo Māori revitalisation.

    Herearoha manages major research projects in the fields of Taiao, Hauora, Mātauranga, and te Reo Māori. She provides leadership in Kaupapa Māori methodology that promote the vision, values, and aspirations of whānau, hapū, iwi. She brings with her a suite of skills and experience to facilitate an exciting era of transformation for Ngāti Pāoa.

    Herearoha has extensive expertise in financial management, revenue generation, commercial growth, develops business plans, writes annual reports, reports on the strategic deliverables, develops funding proposals, oversees contracts and budgets, manage employment contracts, and manages the overall operations. She works confidently and professionally with a wide range of stakeholders, with established relationships nationally and internationally.

    Other fields of expertise include: Tribal Leadership – Cultural and Corporate, fluent in te Reo Māori; Event Management – Te Matatini, Tainui Regionals, Academic Awards, Kīngitanga Day, Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops, Strategic Planning, Presenter, Facilitator; Judging & Head Adjudicator – Kapa Haka Festivals, Hauraki Manu Kōrero; Publications, Editor, and Peer Reviewer; Alumni of New Zealand Women in Leadership.

    Herearoha’s role is to serve her people through navigating complex environments, managing collective aspirations, design and implement high-level strategies, engage with diverse stakeholder interests from Crown agencies and multinational companies to marae committees and individual opinion holders, and, simultaneously manage the day to day needs for whānau.

  • Tania is a lawyer by profession having practiced in the areas of commercial law, governance and in the Waitangi Tribunal. She holds Commerce (B.Com) and Law (LLB) degrees from the University of Auckland and was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in 2008. Tania is an experienced Director and a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. She holds international qualifications in Project and Programme Management and has held numerous governance roles on both public and private Trusts and Boards.

    Tania is an economic development specialist, she has specific capabilities and experience in strategic leadership, policy development and relationship management at senior levels within central and local government. Tania holds an executive management role as the Group Director (Mana Whakahaere) of Partnerships and Inclusion at a large national social services organisation operating in the Mental Health, Addictions and Social Housing sector. Previously, Tania led Maori Economic Strategy and Outcomes at Auckland’s Regional Economic Development Agency (ATEED) and led the Maori economic development programme for Auckland Council. Before that, she led strategic projects and oversaw the implementation of the 2014 Tamaki Makaurau Treaty Settlement for the Department of Conservation in Auckland.

    Tania is committed to Maori Development and in particular economic, social and cultural restoration of Ngāti Paoa and in particular her hapu, Te Uri Karaka. She has acted in a legal capacity for other iwi of Tamaki Makaurau and has been involved in tribal governance for 15 years in various capacities. She has an in-depth understanding of the history of Ngati Paoa governance through its various entities and a thorough understanding of the relevant issues in the current Treaty settlement space. She offers her considerable skills to advance the aspirations of Ngati Paoa and prepare the pathway for a post-settlement future for Ngati Paoa.

    Born and raised in Manurewa, her favourite place in the world is alongside her husband Charles (Royal), next to Tikapa Moana. Two years ago they made the decision to relocate to Kaiaua and purchased a home just a few hundred metres from Wharekawa Marae. They now split their time between Auckland and Kaiaua.

  • (Deputy Chair)

    Tēnā koutou katoa
    Ko Whakatiwai te poutokomanawa - Nō Kaiaua āhau. Ko te tuatahi me whakapāpaku  kē  au  i  au  i  mua  i  a kōutou i ōku rangatira, tēnā kōutou katoa. E āku whanaunga tēnā rā kōutou katoa.

    My name is Mihingarangi Forbes I am part of the Anaru whānau from Kaiaua. I’m married to Arthur, a first generation Samoan-New Zealander and we are raising four tamariki in Auckland.

    I’ve been a journalist for the past 25 years. Much of my work has focused on fighting for vulnerable whānau, investigating organisations and holding those in power to account.

    I expect all organisations that represent beneficiaries or shareholders to be transparent, have open communications and be good listeners. The decision to stand as a Trustee for NPIT means I will expect you all to hold me to these same standards.

    I have a good understanding of governance versus management. It’s important to me, that Trustees adhere to the objectives and purposes of our Trust; which are to promote education, spiritual economic, social and cultural advancement of Ngāti Paoa.

    To undertake commercial activities while caring for our waahi tapu, taking care of our babies and our kaumatua. Our post settlement journey has just begun, we’re going to need some good currents and friendly winds to get our waka up and sailing alongside our neighbouring iwi.

    Me taipari whakarewa waka ngā whakaaro kia eke waka noa tātou.

  • Ko Rataroa te maunga, ko Puukorokoro te awa, ko Tiikapa te moana, ko Makomako te
    marae, ko Ngaati Paaoa te iwi. Ko Tui Tawera tooku ingoa.

    Growing up in Kaiaua Tui attended Hauraki Plains College until her whaanau moved to Taamaki Makaurau in her late teens. She currently resides in Manurewa with her two daughters – Waimarie who attends secondary school and represents Aotearoa in softball as a Junior White Sox player and Waimapuna-Poppy who attends Kura Kaupapa in Manurewa. She has been a primary and intermediate teacher for over 12 years in South and East Auckland. Her leadership skills and maatauranga Maaori are key strengths she provides through an educational setting as well as to her whaanau. Tui received a tono from her whaanau and accepted the nomination to be a voice for her whaanau, marae and hapuu as a trustee.

    Tui holds a bachelor of Education which she obtained from the University of Auckland, along with a Post graduate diploma in Maaori and Indigenous studies. She is passionate about the revitalisation of te reo Maaori and was successful in securing a TeachNZ bilingual education study award to complete a year of Maaori immersion at The University of Waikato.

    Tui continues to develop her knowledge of te reo Maaori by attending waananga and kura reo. Tui is passionate about the development of and improving outcomes for our people and ensuring they are adequately supported. In her career, she leads the Maaori unit at the intermediate she works at and supports other staff to upskill their understanding of Te Ao Maaori. She is a part of the Kaahui Ako where she works alongside a collective of teachers towards ensuring positive outcomes for tauira Maaori.

    Tui is a current trustee for her Marae in Waikato and although new to governance, she is eager to learn and share her experiences and whakaaro. If elected, Tui is committed to her role and is ready for the new challenge to provide for her Iwi. She is strongly supported by her extended whaanau who are proud and know her input to the trust will be valuable.​

  • Tena koutou nga uri o Ngati Paoa. He uri no nga whanau o Ngati Paoa, ara ko Dan Rawiri raua ko Lucy Pokaitara Wikiriwhi Thompson aku tupuna. Ko Lucy Tukua ahau.

    Raised in Papakura, near my grandparents Dan and Hannah and a large and loving whanau, who now have a papakainga at Waihihi. Having held the secretary role for Wharekawa Marae and assisting the Marae and whanau with many endevours, I am deeply devoted.

    My whanau and I have been active in Ngati Paoa matters, supporting whaea Hariata with Waiheke Station; Whanau Trust portfolios upholding kaitiakitanga responsibilities and nga kereme Tiriti. I have been a Trustee for the Ngati Paoa Trust Board and acting interim Environment Manager for the Ngati Paoa lwi Trust. Te Kotuiti Tuarua will forever continue to inspire us all following the commitment, leadership and teachings of those now passed.

    I bring my kete jam-packed full of experiences and mastery: the founder for Nga Aho a collective of Maori creatives, architects, planners, engineers, artists; the founder for Te Matapihi the national peak sector housing Maori body.

    I am the Ngati Paoa representative on the Hauraki Maori Trust Board and a Board member on the Auckland Light Rail Ltd governing the largest infrastructure project ever at $14bill.

    I am a Shareholder, an Executive and a Technical Director for an international engineering, development and project management company. As a governance member on Auckland Council's Urban Design Panel I continue to mentor many young professionals. I possess strong relationships with many professionals across various disciplines, developers, central and local government along with many Tamaki Mana Whenua. I have strong indigenous relationships with potential partnering opportunities. I am a member of the Institute of Directors committed to improving my practice.

    The next stage in our journey is critical in completing and growing our settlement and I believe that I have the attributes, passion and relationships to help do this and to set a strong foundation from which to grow and pass on.

    Paoa ki uta, Paoa ki tai, Paoa ki tua.

  • Ko Kohukohunui te maunga

    Ko Tikapa te moana

    Ko Whakatiwai te awa

    Ko Kotuiti Tuarua te waka

    Ko Wharekawa te marae

    Ko Ngāti Paoa raua ko Ngāti Whanaunga ōku Iwi

    Pare Hauraki Pare Waikato

    Tihei Mauri Ora

    I am humbled to stand as a candidate and descendant of Paoa. I do so with a profound commitment to our collective well-being. My vision is

    deeply rooted in the values and traditions of our people, my purpose is clear: to represent your voice ensuring that your concerns, hopes, and

    aspirations are not only heard but also acted upon; to be your advocate;and guardian of our collective interests.

    “I am a staunch advocate of co-design enabling each of us the opportunity

    to hold the pen, I encourage participation, connectivity, and visibility, we

    all need to see ourselves within any design construct, if we don’t, we lose


    Skills and Experiences:

    Local and central government experience in leveraging public sector resources for community benefit.

    Critical and strategic thinker, politically astute, entrepreneurial, bold leader with agility.

    Expertise in building quality relationships, cross-iwi relations, disruption, influence, and cross-sector collaboration.

    Effective communication in diverse environments.

    Associations; Wharekawa Marae Komiti and Wharekawa Marae Reservation Trust Board, Tāmaki and Hauraki Collective, Mana Whenua Forums across Tāmaki and Hauraki, local and central government advisory boards, Te Kotahi a Tāmaki Trust Board, Tāmaki Auckland Emergency Management Roopu.

    My commitment is unwavering, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that our trust board operates with integrity, accountability, and a singular focus on the wellbeing of Ngāti Paoa.

    With your support and trust, I am ready to take on this role and help shape a political, strategic, and tactical future for Ngāti Paoa that is both vibrant and true to our heritage.