Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed - Ratification

Voting by Ngāti Pāoa to ratify the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed and associated post-settlement governance entities opens on

Monday 9 September 2024

and closes at 5pm, Monday 21 October 2024

Voting Process

Mandated Treaty negotiators for the Marutūāhu Iwi have negotiated a collective redress deed with the Crown.

During the voting period, voting will be available for Ngāti Pāoa iwi members, aged 18 years or over, to ratify the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed and post-settlement governance entities.

The voting period is: Monday 9 September, to 5pm Monday 21 October 2024

The two resolutions to be voted on by Ngāti Pāoa are:

  1. I, as a member of Ngāti Pāoa, support the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed.

  2. I, as a member of Ngāti Pāoa, support the Marutūāhu Collective cultural and commercial PSGE’s receiving the Marutūāhu Collective Redress.

Registered adult iwi members will receive document packs by post, which include a:

• Ratification information booklet; and

• Voting pack (voting information, voting form and free-post envelope).

As detailed in the voting form, all eligible Ngāti Pāoa voters can e-vote by internet, vote by free-post envelope, or by ballot box at any of the ratification information hui.

If you are registered with the Ngāti Pāoa Iwi Trust and have not received a document pack by Wednesday 11 September, it likely means your postal address details were out of date. 

Please contact the Returning Officer at Election Services 0800 922 822 (NZ) or 1800 951 355 (Aus), or, and ask for a voting form to be sent to you at your current address or electronically.

Ratification Info

This Ratification Information Booklet will help you make informed ratification decisions. It contains background information, details about the ratification process (including voting) and what is provided through the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Deed.

Special Votes

A special voting pack can be obtained, if you are not a registered member of Ngāti Pāoa (or turn 18 during the voting period), by contacting the Returning Officer at Election Services 0800 922 822 (NZ) or 1800 951 355 (Aus), or, or at the ratification information hui. 

Special votes, which are otherwise valid, will be counted subject to confirmation of registration.

Ratification Information Hui

We encourage you to attend the Ratification Information Hui to help you make informed ratification decisions. 

The hui will be followed by light refreshments.

Te Taua Moana Marae

Sunday, 15 September 2024

10am to 12pm

Te Taua Moana Marae, Navy Base, North Shore, Stanley Point, Auckland 0624


Novotel Tainui Hamilton Conference Centre

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

6pm to 8pm

Novotel Tainui Hamilton Conference Centre, 7 Alma Street, Hamilton 3204


Kaiaua Bowling and Community Centre

Sunday, 29 September 2024

10am to 12pm

Kaiaua Bowling and Community Centre, 23 Lipscombe Road, Kaiaua 2473