Pānui #003

Tēnā koutou ngā uri o Ngāti Pāoa

Nau mai haere mai! Welcome to the third Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust Newsletter. This is to help keep you up to date about what NPIT have been doing, and how you can get involved. To stay connected, up to date, and informed about NPIT mahi then please click here to subscribe.

In this edition: Dolphins Strand on Waiheke Island, Waka Ama World Sprints 2022, Best Reporting - Māori Affairs, AGM information and more..

Aihe (Dolphin) Stranding on Waiheke Island

On Friday the 12th of August a pod of 10 dolphins stranded on the beach at Whakanewha on Waiheke Island. NPIT was alerted and Ngāti Pāoa and the Department of Conservation (DOC), in partnership, managed the stranding.  With the significant support of the local Waiheke Community and Project Johan, one of the aihe managed to return to the moana and 7 were re-floated. Unfortunately a mother and her calf passed away early in the morning, both have been sent for autopsy and will return to Whakanewha to be buried.

Kaiwai (Jackie) Rhind of Ngāti Pāoa was on site to provide ongoing cultural guidance, ‘He taonga tuku iho, ko te aihe tētehi o ngā tini a Tangaroa, he akoranga tēnei, he aha te tohu.’ The iwi are keen to learn more about this significant stranding and will look towards holding wānanga with our mātaranga experts.

World Sprints 2022

Ngāti Pāoa are proud of our rangatahi representing their whānau, hapū, iwi, marae and Aotearoa at the 2022 World Sprint Champs in London. Congratulations to all paddlers who brought back Gold, Silver, and Bronze - whakamaua kia tina!!

Read more here:


Best Reporting - Māori Affairs

Congratulations Mihingarangi Forbes for winning the award for Best Reporting - Māori Affairs 2022!

Our very own Ngāti Pāoa trustee, from an award-winning journalist to the governance table of the tribe.  Celebrating excellence in journalism, Mihi has successfully held this award in 2021 and now 2022.

Koia kei a koe!!

“Mihi’s coverage of Tipene Halford’s wrongful imprisonment for the minor parole violation of having a beer not only highlighted a miscarriage of justice and systemic racism, it restored mana to a Māori man who would’ve easily been discarded.  Mihi’s visual storytelling and craft puts the subject at the heart of the story, and is a master lesson on how to enter te ao Māori with respect.” - Tina Wickcliffe & Ngahuia Wade (Judges)

Hui - ā - Tau Annual General Meeting

This year the Iwi Trust AGM will be held at Kerepēhi Marae, McGowan Avenue, Kerepēhi on Sunday 25th September 2022 from 10am-12pm followed by kaihākari.

Our NPIT board members will provide an update on our Settlement and provide an overview of the past (where we’ve come from), the present (our current projects and activities), and future opportunities.
Look forward to seeing there!


Pānui #004


Pānui #002